Short Story
Short Story: De Gouden Bloem
Wat een bocht, dacht ik, toen ik het vreemde mengsel m’n keelgat in goot. De weg die het spul aflegde, vanaf het moment dat het m’n glas verliet tot aan het moment dat…
Short Story: De Man Achter het Raam
Jamie’s oma was overleden. Ze was al heel erg oud geweest en stierf een natuurlijke dood. Het viel Jamie op dat mensen een dood makkelijker konden accepteren wanneer deze natuurlijk en op latere…
The Buried City
Donna Gambio was waiting for her husband to get home. The day had been scorching hot and due to her husband’s outdoor excavating work, he would probably be exhausted. She was cooking dinner…
To Trap a Kiss
‘How did I get myself into this?’, Jake mumbled to himself when he looked past the curtain to see the crowd. The school’s Theater Hall was slowly becoming packed. Everyone would come out…
The Man in the Window
Jamie’s grandmother had passed away. She had been old and had died of natural causes. It seemed to Jamie that it was easier for people to accept a passing that way. She had…
The Gun in the Mist
When I woke up I was lying face down in the dirt. I tried to sit upright but my body ached all over. My lips were cracked and I had the taste of…